9th BiotechHealth Annual Symposium
The 9th BiotechHealth Annual Symposium took place in the past June 27th and 28th. Entitled “Resilient Science in a Changing World”, the event was organized by the students of the 8th edition of the BiotechHealth Doctoral Program.
As usual, the first day of the symposium was dedicated to the students’ presentations. The first-year students had the opportunity to share and discuss their thesis projects with both the BiotechHealth community and external advisors, whereas the students of the remaining editions could share the most recent advances of their work.
The second day of the symposium was held in i3S and was open to the community. A total of fourteen national and international speakers from various backgrounds have shared their work in academia and the industry. Furthermore, they have showed the audience how important it is to be resilient and to be able to withstand adversity when doing science, themes that were also brilliantly discussed in the round table.
The 9th BiotechHealth Annual Symposium intended to bring to the discussion all sides of science, demystify negative results and motivate and inspire all PhD students and scientists seating in the audience. It was a successful event, that was only possible with the support of the scientific committee and advisory board of the doctoral program, and the participation of the institutional partners and sponsors.
To find more visit: https://9thsymposiumbiotech.wixsite.com/biotechhealth